The new venture “Mood Ring”, an astrology-inspired bar, is getting positive reviews from The New Yorker Magazine, is featured on the Lonely Planet blog, and other trend-spotting sites, like Awol Junkie. Just being mentioned in the New Yorker would be a lifetime achievement. Lonely Planet, the bible of hip travelers looking for unique experiences, is not a bad place to be reviewed either! Making it to these top-of-the-tier review sites and getting stellar write-ups means you must be on to something good.
Leave it to the New York City hipster scene to come up with the latest trendy idea. Actually, this is really happening in Brooklyn, where youthful entrepreneurs are claiming their stake in making it big in the Big Apple. Well, make that next door to the Big Apple. THAT’s where things are really happening these days. After the flowering of Williamsburg, the next neighborhood that is set for becoming the latest creative district is Bushwick. And Mood Ring is right in the center of it all for a reason; the owners want to help inspire that creativity with their new venture.
As Brielle Schiavone, Writer & Photographer for the Bushwick Daily puts it,
Whether you love it or hate it, astrology is clearly all the rage these days. Sharing sign compatibilities and overhearing that “Mercury is in retrograde” are very real things in this year of 2017, but it’s about to get even realer here in Bushwick. Get ready friends because Mood Ring, an astrology-inspired cocktail bar, is opening this September at 1260 Myrtle Ave!
The owners are of course very into astrology. They are both Chinese-Americans who were inspired by the Berlin bar scene and their passion for films; the movie ‘In The Mood For Love’, a Hong Kong film, inspired the name of the bar and the ‘mood’.
“Us and all of our friends are obsessed with astrology. I’ve been into it since high school,” co-owner (and double-Scorpio) Vanessa Li adds. “Essentially we didn’t want Mood Ring to be a too ‘on the nose’ astrology-themed bar, so we’re playing with this idea of illustrating different personalities and moods.”
The bar is featuring drinks inspired by the zodiac sign of the month. For instance:“‘Take Me Higher,’ our upcoming Virgo cocktail, will include St. Germain elderflower liqueur, which plays with the idea of very analytical, thoughtful people.”
In addition to their specialty drinks, the Mood Ring will offer wine and a limited menu of Chinese dishes.
According to the New Yorker’s Wei Tchou
This Bushwick bar aims to be a space for queer and trans people of color, and serves a cocktail that captures the essence of each month’s star sign.
Inclusivity is obviously important to the bar’s owners. So if you are in the neighborhood, or consulting your Lonely Planet Guide for an upcoming visit to NYC, be sure to head over to Bushwick’s new bar, Mood Ring. Their new website is: