A recent survey conducted by YouGovUS asked people about their belief in their horoscopes. Only 6% of those surveyed said they read their horoscope every day. 45% said they never do. Interestingly, there was a direct correlation between where they live and their responses! City dwellers responded that they did indeed take their horoscopes seriously; 59% compared to 41% who did not. People not living in cities – suburbanites – were the opposite; 65% did not believe in horoscopes compared to only 35% who did take them seriously. Interestingly that turned out to be the most important factor determining people’s beliefs in horoscopes.
Even more interesting, in our opinion, is this fact: 41% of those surveyed have looked up their astrological compatibility with a potential mate. ❤ So, even though many profess they are non-believers when it comes to romance and love, many are still consulting their horoscopes, and that includes some of those who don’t live in the city!
What about you?
Do you believe in YOUR horoscope?
Do you check your horoscope? If so, is it daily, monthly, or do you do it based on certain decisions you want to make, such as those in the survey, when you meet someone who you are considering as a future mate? Or you are wondering if the one you chose was a good or bad decision! Another topic many people like to consult their horoscope about is career information, when is a good or bad time for a trip, and of course, making a big financial investment. Some people like to consult their horoscope to confirm a decision or belief they have made or want to make and are looking for a sign or assurance that it is the right one.
There are a plethora of websites that offer daily, weekly, monthly horoscopes. Which ones are your favorites? If you are curious and want some reliable places to start, here are a few to check out. If you aren’t already, you may become one of the many people who are fascinated by horoscopes!
Source: https://today.yougov.com/news/2017/07/31/belief-astrology-highest-among-city-dwellers/